
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Anatomy Of Inequity

, it was a very slow paced work environment. One Saturday afternoon, I had finished all of my regular chores and was waiting for customers. I mentioned to a co-worker that I was bored. He said that when he was bored he would smoke a cigarette. He suggested that I have a smoke and offered me one of his. It is true w... Free Essays on Anatomy Of Inequity Free Essays on Anatomy Of Inequity Anatomy of Inequity Can a person pinpoint the single worse decision of their life? I know I can pinpoint mine. Oh, I’ve made numerous choices that were questionable, but there is one that stands out like the south side of a goat facing north. That was the day I smoked my first cigarette. Blame could be cast here or there, but it was my choice. If I could, I would reverse that fateful decision. Unfortunately, there is no magical time machine that will allow me to go back. The easiest way to stop smoking is to never start. By identifying the underlying causes of why I started and the resulting effects, maybe someone who is presented with a similar situation might decide not to take that first puff. I became an addict after smoking my first cigarette. How could this be? I grew up in a family of smokers. To the best of my recollection, everyone smoked. Oh, there were a few oddballs in the family, but most everyone was lighting up at the family get-together’s. In the 1960’s people had never heard of the term second hand smoke. Unless I was outside playing, I was breathing in second hand smoke. Throughout the years my body was being primed. When I took a drag off of that first cigarette, I was hooked. But, why did I take that first drag? I was working as a salesman at the local Kinney’s Shoe store and was bored. It was located off of 83rd and State Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. If the store had been located in a mall, I may not have smoked that first one. But, a shoe store, situated so far from the hustle and bustle of the city, was not exactly a hotbed of the marketing world. In other words, it was a very slow paced work environment. One Saturday afternoon, I had finished all of my regular chores and was waiting for customers. I mentioned to a co-worker that I was bored. He said that when he was bored he would smoke a cigarette. He suggested that I have a smoke and offered me one of his. It is true w...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cuánto ganan las enfermeras en Estados Unidos

Cunto ganan las enfermeras en Estados Unidos En Estados Unidos, enfermerà ­a es una de las profesiones mejor pagadas y con mayor demanda de profesionales. Los salarios varà ­an segà ºn la especialidad, titulacià ³n, lugar de trabajo, aà ±os trabajados e, incluso, lugar de desempeà ±o laboral. Esta este artà ­culo se informa sobre cunto ganan de media las enfermeras en Estados Unidos, segà ºn datos de Medscape, Nurse Salary, PayScale y el Bureau de Estadà ­sticas Oficiales y teniendo en cuenta las tres grandes categorà ­as en las que se divide esta profesià ³n: LPN/LVP, tambià ©n conocidas como enfermeras vocacionalesRN, por las siglas en inglà ©s de Enfermeras RegistradasNP, por siglas en inglà ©s de Enfermeras Practicantes Finalmente, se especifican quà © documentos legales son necesarios para trabajar en Estados Unidos y quà © tipos de visa se pueden obtener para trabajar en el campo de la enfermerà ­a. Cunto ganan las LPN/LVP en Estados Unidos Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) son el equivalente de lo que en muchos paà ­ses hispanohablantes se conoce como auxiliar de enfermerà ­a. Desde el punto de vista acadà ©mico, los LVN y LPN se caracterizan por no haber cursado estudios universitarios de licenciatura en este rubro, sin embargo, deben pasar el examen de que se conoce como NCLEX-PN para trabajar en cualquiera de los 50 estados de EE.UU., el Distrito de Columbia y los territorios de Guam, Samoa, Marianas e Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas. De hecho, es posible trabajar como LVP o LPN con sà ³lo cursado la high school –lo que en algunos paà ­ses se llama bachillerato, prepa o liceo–, y, adems, haber completado ciertos cursos tà ©cnicos. Pueden ocuparse de de curar heridas, baà ±ar y dar de comer a los enfermos, poner inyecciones y similares. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual de LVP y de LPN a tiempo completo es de $42.400 brutos, es decir, antes de descontar impuestos. Para los que trabajan a tiempo parcial el pago medio es de $20,30 por hora. Sin embargo, existen grandes diferencias segà ºn el tipo de trabajo que se realiza, conocimientos acadà ©micos adicionales, experiencia, etc. Entre los factores que determinan el salario se encuentra el lugar geogrfico en el que se trabaja. Asà ­, los estados en los que LVP y LPN comandan las mejores nà ³minas son Connecticut, Nevada y Alaska, con salarios anuales promedio superiores a $52.000 brutos. En el otro lado de la balanza se encuentran Virginia Occidental, Dakota del Sur y Alabama, donde los salarios son ms bajos para estos profesionales. Por regià ³n, el rea no metropolitana donde los salarios son ms altos en el rea del sureste de Alaska y el rea metropolitana con mejor salario es la conformada por San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood, donde el salario bruto anual medio es de $60.550. En la actualidad hay ms de 718.000 LVP y LPN trabajando en Estados Unidos, siendo los estados de Texas, California, Nueva York, Florida y Ohio los que emplean un mayor nà ºmero. Salarios de Enfermeras Registradas (RN) en Estados Unidos La mayorà ­a de las enfermeras en Estados Unidos pertenecen a esta categorà ­a. Pueden empezar a trabajar con estudios universitarios medios, lo que equivale a un Associate ´s Degree en USA. Si tienen una licenciatura, (B.S. por sus siglas en inglà ©s)  ganan ms. En todo caso, para trabajar en Estados Unidos, en cualquiera de los 50 estados, Washington D.C.. y todos sus territorios excepto Puerto Rico, es necesario pasar el examen que se conoce como NCLEX-RN. La isla de Puerto Rico sigue su propio sistema de certificacià ³n, pero los profesionales puertorriqueà ±os que desean trabajar en uno de los 50 estados o en los otros territorios de la Unià ³n necesitan pasar dicho examen. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual bruto de una RN a tiempo completo es de $67.930, mientras que para las RN a tiempo parcial el pago medio por hora es de $32.66. California, Hawaii y Massachussets son los estados en los que los salarios son ms altos, superando de media los $90.000 anuales brutos. Por otro lado, en Iowa es donde se obtiene el peor salario, siendo la media de $52.540 brutos anuales para RN a tiempo completo. Por reas, la que comanda los mejores salarios para RN es el rea conformada por San Josà ©-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, en el estado de California, donde el ingreso bruto anual medio es de $122.990. En cuanto a las especialidades que ms ganan dentro de la categorà ­a de RN destacan de anestesias, cuidados crà ­ticos o Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos y tambià ©n las comadronas certificadas. Pero sin duda la especialidad mejor pagada entre las RN es la de enfermerà ­a anestesista registrada y certificada (CRNA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Han concluido estudios de maestrà ­a con especialidad en anestesias y han aprobado un examen de certificacià ³n nacional aunque cada estado puede establecer regulaciones adicionales. Adems, en muchos estados pueden trabajar sin estar bajo la supervisià ³n de un mà ©dico anestesista. Pueden hacer una labor muy similar a estos, pero le resultan ms baratas a los hospitales. Esta es una especialidad conocida por sus altos niveles de estrà ©s y largas horas de trabajo. El salario medio de un profesional CRNA es de $157.000, siendo el punto de entrada $105.000 y siendo el punto ms alto $242.000 anuales brutos. En Estados Unidos, la distribucià ³n entre hombres y mujeres CRNA es prcticamente igual, habiendo un poco ms de varones en total. Es una de las pocas reas en enfermerà ­a donde los hombres son tan numerosos. Salario enfermeras especializadas o Nurse Practitioner (NP) Las enfermeras especializadas, conocidas en inglà ©s como Nurse Practitioner o NP, han completado, como mà ­nimo, estudios de maestrà ­a en esa especialidad. En algunos estados pueden recetar y trabajar independientemente de un mà ©dico. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual bruto es de $91.540 para las NP a tiempo completo. en el supuesto de trabajar a tiempo parcial, el pago medio bruto por hora se sità ºa en $43,97. Las diferencias de sueldo son grande, dependiendo de la especializacià ³n. Las que ms cobran son las especialistas en cuidado de recià ©n nacidos, en psiquiatrà ­a (ARNP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y cuidado de ancianos (AGNP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este à ºltimo caso, se prima con ms salario los conocimientos en mbitos mà ©dicos adicionales como diabetes o cuidados paliativos. Por geografà ­a, Alaska, Hawaii y Oregà ³n son los estados con los mejores salarios mientras que por reas, la metropolitana con sueldos ms altos en San Josà ©-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, en California, y en zona no rural el rea oriental del estado de Nuevo Mà ©xico. Por otro lado, los estados donde las NP reciben los salarios ms bajos son Illinois, Virginia Occidental y la ciudad de Washington D.C. Se estima que un total de 105.780 NP ejercen su profesià ³n en la actualidad en Estados Unidos, siendo California, Nueva York, Florida, Texas y Massachusetts los estados con ms trabajo. Visa para trabajar como enfermera/o a Estados Unidos Para trabajar legalmene en Estados Unidos es necesario tener una situacià ³n migratoria que permita hacerlo. Obviamente, los ciudadanos americanos pueden hacerlo, aunque en el caso de profesiones como la enfermerà ­a necesitan convalidar sus estudios si los han obtenido en otro paà ­s. Todos los que no son ciudadanos necesitan uno de estos tres documentos: tarjeta de residencia permanente, siendo vlida la que est sellada en el pasaporte permiso de trabajo,  que se dan en circunstancias muy concretas Visa de trabajo  que debe patrocinar el empleador En ocasiones, los empleadores estadounidenses pueden animarse a patrocinar una visa de trabajo. Las personas interesadas en explorar esta và ­a pueden consultar estas  10 agencias que buscan empresas que patrocinan y acompaà ±an a enfermeras extranjeras en el proceso de validar estudios y aprobar exmenes necesarios para poder trabajar en EU. En el caso de egresados en enfermerà ­a de nacionalidad mexicana siempre es particularmente de interà ©s consultar el enlace anterior ya que para ellos hay habilitado la visa TN para profesionales y la enfermerà ­a est incluida en el listado. Adems, todos los extranjeros sin importar nacionalidad pueden intentar buscar un patrocinador de una visa visas H-1B para profesionales. Si bien hay que tener en cuenta que cada aà ±o fiscal el nà ºmero de solicitudes para este tipo de visa supera al cupo disponible, por lo que se acaba determinando quià ©n gana la visa por loterà ­a. Si bien en este punto es conveniente destacar dos caracterà ­sticas de la visa H-1B. En primer lugar, las instituciones de investigacià ³n y educativas pueden patrocinar estas visas sin là ­mite anual en el nà ºmero. Por lo tanto, si se consigue un patrocinar de esta clase, podrà ­a obtenerse la visa en cualquier momento del aà ±o. En segundo lugar, los chilenos tienen reservado un nà ºmero de visas H-1B que sà ³lo ellos pueden utilizar. Como regla general, la oferta es superior a la demanda por lo que si se obtiene patrocinador y se cumplen todos los requisitos para obtener la visa, no habrà ­a, en principio, el problema de que se acabaron las visas H-1B para el aà ±o presente. Cuando mayor salario no equivale a mayor nivel de vida. El cobrar ms no siempre equivale a que se vive mejor ya que en Estados Unidos se pagan impuestos muchas veces ms altos que en el paà ­s de origen y adems las cosas son ms caras. Por esta razà ³n este  comparativo  salarial de 18 profesiones en 8 paà ­ses teniendo en cuenta diferencias en canasta alimentaria puede resultar de interà ©s para clarificar la situacià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Companys Marketing Practices and Term Paper

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Companys Marketing Practices and Strategies - Term Paper Example How the company applies quantitative and qualitative research in its bid to provide its customers with value is also a subject of discussion under this study. Through an analysis of marketing practices and strategies applied by the company, the study indicates how the company has emerged as the largest defense contractor. The study focuses on all the segments of the market that the company serves, giving examples of products and services that the company provides to the respective market segment. Through this study, an understanding as to the source components that makes up the annual revenues of the company is created, with a special emphasis on the role of contracting as a marketing strategy and practice in subscribing to the revenues of the company. A conclusion and recommendation are also given. This is a company based in USA, formed by a merger of two companies, Lockheed and Martin Marietta in 1995. The company ranks as the world’s largest defense contractor, though it offers a range of product and services in the market. The company has diversified its operations to engage in various market segments, among them aerospace, defense, advanced technology and security (Carl, 2010).Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Palmdale, is the location where the company’s Advanced Development Programs division is based. This is informally referred to as Skunk works (John, 2009). The company is involved in the research, design, development, and manufacture of products for use in the fields of defense, homeland security, information technology, and space (Norris, 2011). On top of products provision, the company also provides services in the fields of engineering, manufacturing, technical, and logistics. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company has suitable marketing strategies. Having been able to diversify its operation in many segments of the USA economy,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The impact of Horsham Properties Group v Clark & Another Essay

The impact of Horsham Properties Group v Clark & Another - Essay Example Horsham Properties v Clark & Another The case of Horsham Properties Ltd v Clark & Another EWHC 2327 seeks to settle the issue as to whether s. 101 of the Law of Property Act 1925 violates a mortgagor’s rights over his property. The aforesaid provision grants the mortgagee the power, among others, to sell the mortgaged property in the event the mortgagee falls in arrear in the payment of his loan without prior court order of possession. In this case, the defendants obtained a loan from GMAC with their property located in Walderslade Road as security. When the defendants failed to pay their obligations, GMAC immediately assigned two receivers to handle the sale of the property subject of the mortgage. The property was subsequently purchased by Coastal Estates Ltd, which also sold the same to Horsham on the same day. Horsham immediately initiated court proceedings to dispossess the defendants of the property subject of the mortgage on the ground that their presence in the property is a trespass considering that the legal right of the property had already been transferred to Horsham by virtue of the sale. Although the fact that they were in arrears in the payment of their loan was not disputed, the defendants nevertheless, believed that the mortgagee had no right to dispossess them of their property and sell it without first obtaining any court order for the reason that this infringes their rights under the Human Rights Act of 1998 and the European Convention on Human Rights, particularly Article 1 of the First Protocol.... ssess them of their property and sell it without first obtaining any court order for the reason that this infringes their rights under the Human Rights Act of 1998 and the European Convention on Human Rights, particularly Article 1 of the First Protocol (A1FP hereafter). A1FP guarantees peaceful enjoyment of one’s possessions and prohibits their deprivation except in the public interest and with due process as provided by laws. The defendants argued that the relevant provisions of the LPA 1925 must be construed in such a way that they are made compatible with Convention rights and that therefore, the rights of the mortgagee under the LPA, particularly those laid down in s. 101, must be tempered by prior acquisition of corresponding court orders before they can be fully exercise. If this cannot be had, the defendants would like the court to issue a declaration of incompatibility. The Court refuted the defendants’ position and ruled in favor of the claimant. It held, inte r alia, that the sale of the property subject of mortgage by the mortgagee in a case where the mortgagor has defaulted does not engage Convention rights under A1FP and ss. 6 and 8 thereof. According to the Court, the right under A1FP is underpinned by â€Å"state intervention into private rights through overriding legislation,† which is not the case in the sale of mortgaged property by the mortgagee in the case when payments of the principal loan are in arrears. The sale in this case merely functions to implement the contract between and the expectations of the mortgagor and the mortgagee and does not amount to state intervention. The Court also pointed out that s 101(4) reinforces this implication by providing that the applicability of the provision is subject to a contrary term expressly provided by

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Welfare Argumentative Paper Essay Example for Free

Welfare Argumentative Paper Essay Welfare in the United States began during the 1930’s during the great depression to help families and individuals with little to no income with assistance. â€Å"Many Americans were unhappy with the welfare system, claiming that individuals were abusing the welfare program by not applying for jobs, having more children just to get more aid, and staying unmarried so as to qualify for greater benefits. (welfareinfo.org)† The question today is whether or not drug testing for welfare recipients should be allowed. Drug testing for individuals applying for government cash assistance should be mandatory before assistance is granted. Anyone willing to apply for a job or joining the military is subject to random drug tests. Anyone that works and pays taxes helps the welfare system. The reason testing could be justified would be how much fraud is generally found each year alone without drug testing and just by reasonable suspecion. â€Å"The Office of Inspector General (OIG) identified $16.67 million in fraud during Fiscal Year (FY)2011 within multiple Michigan public assistance program areas† (michigan.gov). Drug testing would save the government money and help distribute the benefits more to those who actually need it, by denying those who fail to pass a drug screening when applying. Many of the laws purposed would not deny benefits to the dependents the person may have, just the person applying. The dependent(s) would still receive the necessary help. Also the person who failed the drug test or has an apparent issue with legal substance abuse could be given the correct direction for treatment and get their lives going back in the right direction. Drug testing is unjustifiable, ineffective, potentially unconstitutional, and worst of all being discriminatory. Besides it being an invasion of privacy, it’s in violation of the 4th amendment. Using illicit drugs may not even be the reason they are applying for welfare. People have a choice where they want to work, but not always a choice to need welfare. Also not everyone that is in need has a drug problem or does drugs. The cost to test every applicant would outweigh the amount saved denying benefits for those who tested positive. There are alternatives to drug screening that would cost less and already a part of the applying process. Drug testing is a positive step towards many things in the welfare area, as with any job anyone is subject to random drug testing, why should welfare be exempt? Currently if reasonable suspicion was justified a person would have to submit a test anyways. The benefits show, in 2011, Florida passed the law HB 353 requiring all applicants for TANF benefits to be tested. Applicants must be notified of the drug testing requirement at the time of application, and are required to pay for the test. If they test negative the applicant will be reimbursed for the cost by adding the amount to their benefit check. The results from the first quarter of the law being passed (July-September) show the dramatic impact of Florida’s drug testing requirement for applicants for welfare cash assistance. The requirement has led to a 48 percent drop in monthly approvals, an overall drug-related denial rate of 19 percent, and almost $1.8 million in savings to taxpayers. Denials vary greatly by county, with at least one in three applicants being denied for a drug-related reason in 11 counties and no drug-related denials in another ten counties (floridafga.org). This example shows the potential of savings for the government and taxpayers and also more available funds to the ones really in need. Drug testing applicants has many flaws when it comes to proving if someone may have a problem or is even using illegal drugs. Drug testing fails to show the biggest legal substances being abused by people on or off welfare in America, nicotine and alcohol. Drug testing isn’t even thought of when it comes to unemployment or applying for school financial aid. Drug tests often fail to show the results of people who are using more addictive and more dangerous drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, or cocaine, which can exit the body’s system in a matter of hours or a couple days. Drug testing may have it flaws, but not every person does more addictive and dangerous drugs. If one was doing those types of drugs they would need more than a cash assistance program to provide for their habit. School financial aid or unemployment is excluded because the people were either at one time working and got laid off or injured, and is in school to better themselves for a better job in the long run. Drug testing applicants may also help promote people to stay off drugs, as well as identify people who might have a problem. The biggest issue with people having a drug problem is being disqualified from employment for drug abuse. Drug testing applicants would further help someone who may need help bu t doesn’t know how to get clean, or the right direction towards the correct help they need to stay free from drugs. Being free from drugs would then help someone not need welfare because they would be able to get a regular job in the work world, thus saving the government more money in the long run. The United States seems to be the only country with the issue of drug testing, but this could be a positive thing that could influence other countries around the world. The welfare program isn’t about helping people with drug problems get the correct help they need; it’s about helping those in need of assistance when they are low income or unable to afford their current situation. A bill passed would force drug screening but more than likely not get the person the correct help if there was a problem. The main objective is denying people assistance because of testing positive for drugs. Drug testing for individuals applying for government cash assistance should be mandatory before assistance is granted. The idea of drug testing individuals for eligibility of government assistance has many pros and cons. With many of the strengths being that it will help the funds that are available to help those people truly in need, and not helping people that don’t need help just because they can trick the system. Taxpayers spend a lot of money to help support the welfare system and many want to see the ones that can afford to buy drugs or othe r non-essential items not be part of the equation. Another positive thing could be getting help to those who actually have a drug problem so they don’t have to apply for welfare and can go have a fulfilling job and life. But with all the strengths will come just as many weaknesses. Many of the weaknesses stem from drug testing itself to be immoral. The cost and regulation of drug testing could also hinder the benefits of the program, causing a deficit in the end overall. Many of the drugs tested may not be able to be screened properly, with the 2 mostly abused drugs legal being alcohol and nicotine. Not everyone that is low income has a drug problem or does drugs. The misconception view the public has of low income people is they just want to get free money and not have to work. I think the issue still remains that people do abuse the welfare system, and drug testing can help in part of making things more fair to those truly in need. That is just a stepping stone in a bigger overall solution of the flawed welfare system. One might question their morals before deciding on whether or not they actually need help, and then decide what the right thing to do is. But not everyone has good morals or even questions them when certain instances present themselves. Bibliography durantdemocrat.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from durantdemocrat.com: http://www.durantdemocrat.com/view/full_story/17375795/article-Why-Mandatory-Drug-Testing-for-Welfare-Recipients-is-Wrong-%E2%80%93-FiscallyLegallyand-Morally- floridafga.org. (n.d.). Retrieved from floridafga.org: http://www.floridafga.org/2011/10/floridas-drug-test-law-for-welfare-cash-assistance-first-quarter-facts-2/ michigan.gov. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dhs/OIG_2011Annual_Report_384513_7.pdf. NCSL. (n.d.). Retrieved from NCSL: http://www.ncsl.org/issues-research/human-services/drug-testing-and-public-assistance.aspx welfareinfo.org. (n.d.). Retrieved from welfareinfo.org.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Bluest Eye - Pecola as a Victim of Evil Essay -- Toni Morrison The

The Bluest Eye - Pecola as a Victim of Evil      Ã‚   By constructing the chain of events that answer the question of how Pecola Breedlove is caste as a pariah in her community, Toni Morrison in The Bluest Eye attempts to satisfy the more difficult question of why. Although, unspoken, this question obsessively hovers over Pecola throughout the novel and in her circular narrative style Morrison weaves a story that seeks to answer this question by gathering all of the forces that were instrumental in the creation of a social mishap. By using what seem like tangents in the story, we are shown examples of how forces beyond human control such as nature, an omniscient being and primarily a legacy of rejection have come together to establish the heritage of desolation that has been passed on to Pecola Breedlove.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A pattern of precedence is pieced together in the story, showing the seeds of Pecola's present barrenness to have been planted in the lives of preceding generations. By profiling the lives of Soaphead Church and Pauline Breedlove, Morrison makes a case for the validity of generational curses. Their narratives are appropriately placed in the Spring division of the novel as an indication of the characters sowing the seeds that will be reaped by Pecola. Seemingly, as an example of the ways in which the transgressions of the fathers revisit the sons, the narrator gives an extensive account of Soaphead Church's family history, constantly citing instances in which traits of the fathers (or effects of their traits) followed the sons for generations. Of his family the author says, "They transferred this Anglophilia to their six children and sixteen grandchildren" and the family is described as one entity, the accomplishments and ... ...g the Girl's Own Story." The Girl: Construction of the Girl in Contemporary Fiction by Women. Ed. Ruth Saxton. New York: St. Martin's P, 1998. 21-42. Kubitschek, Missy Dehn. Toni Morrison: A Critical Companion. London: Greenwood, 1998. Kuenz, Jane. "The Bluest Eye: Notes on History, Community, and Black Female Subjectivity." AfricanAmerican Review 27.3 (1993): 421-31. Middleton, David. Toni Morrison: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1987. Middleton, David. Toni Morrison's Fiction: Contemporary Criticism. New York: Garland, 1997. Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1993. Peterson, Nancy J. Toni Morrison: Critical and Theoretical Approaches. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. Pettis, Joyce. "Difficult Survival: Mothers and Daughters in The Bluest Eye." SAGE: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women 4 (1987): 26-29.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Recruiting or Retaining

CASE: WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT aâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" RECRUITING OR RETAINING? G. K Electronics Ltd. , is a pioneering and internationally reputed firm in the Electronics industry. It is one of the largest firms in the country. It attracted employees from internationally reputed institutes and industries by offering high salaries, perks etc. It has advertised for the position of an Electronics Engineer recently. Nearly 150 candidates working in various electronics firms applied for the job. Mr.Sashidhar, an Electronics Engineering Graduate from IIT with 5 years working experience in a small electronics firm was selected from among the 130 candidates who took tests and interview. The interview board recommended an enhancement in his salary by Rs. 500 per month more than his present salary at his request. Mr. Sashidhar was very happy to achieve this and he was congratulated by a number of people including his previous employer for his brilliant interview performance and good luck. Mr. Sashidha r joined G. K. Electronics Ltd. on 21st January, 1996 with a great enthusiasm. He also found his job to be quite comfortable and challenging one and he felt it was highly prestigious to work with this company during the formative years of his career. He found his superiors as well as subordinates to be friendly and cooperative. But this climate did not live long. After one year of his service, he slowly learnt about a number of unpleasant stories about the company, management, the superior-subordinate relations, rate of employee turnover, especially at higher level.But he decided to stay on as he promised several things to the management in the interview. He wanted to please and change the attitude of management through diligent performance, firm commitment and dedication. He started maximizing his contributions and management got the impression that Mr. Sashidhar has settled down and will remain in the company. After sometime, the superiors started riding over Mr. Sashidhar. He was overloaded with multifarious jobs. His freedom in deciding and executing was cut down to size.He was ill-treated on a number of occasions before his subordinates. His colleagues also started assigning their responsibilities to Mr. Sashidhar. Consequently there were imbalances in his family life, social life and organization life. But he seemed to be calm and contented. Management felt that Mr. Sashidhar had the potential to hear with many more organization responsibilities. It was quite surprising to the General Manager to see the resignation letter of Mr. Sashidhar along with a check equivalent to a monthaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s salary one fine morning on 18th January, 1998.The General Manager failed to convince Mr. Sashidhar to withdraw his resignation. The General Manager relieved him on 25th January, 1998. The General Manager wanted to appoint a committee to go into the matter immediately, but dropped the idea later. The inference from the above is very clear. The management had no str ategy of retaining capable employees by giving them proper treatment and responsibilities. They also have not laid out any HR policy of defining area of responsibility for executives or staff.It appears any body in the firm can pass any work to their colleagues and even management is also not bothered about over loading a capable person willing to undertake challenging tasks with responsibility. If the above defects can be corrected by the management and senior managers they can retain capable managers or executives and the manpower turnover may come down and the companyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s reputation with regards to human resources will go up. The firm can attract more and more capable personnel.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Balance Sheet And Market Value

The most notable thing in the table presented above is the disparity between the actual market value and what is reported in ARC’s balance sheet. The balance sheet funding totaled to $1. 465 billion while the market value ballooned reaching $2, 390 billion. When compared, the difference is a staggering $20 million indicating that ARC owes more to its financiers than what it actually claims. The source of this huge difference is the disparity between the balance sheet amount of long-term debt and its market value. The company does not trade its bond so the yield is compared with companies issuing the same bonds.When converted to its present value, the book value is significantly lower than the market value. Another is the amount of stockholder’s equity. It should be noted that in reality, more funds are generated from the sale of stocks than their attributed value in the company’s books. The difference in the numbers has several implications when the capital struc ture of the company is considered. Two specific financial ratios are often computed in order to look at the risk entailed by a business organization—the debt ratio and the long term debt to equity. The debt ratio looks at the portion of the company’s asset which is financed by creditors.Accordingly, it â€Å"gives an idea to the leverage of the company along with the potential risks the company faces in terms of its debt-load† (Debt Ratio 2007). When computed using the balance sheet figures, ARC has a debt ratio of 68%. On the other hand, when market value is utilized the figure shrinks to 67%. This implies that 67-68% of ARC’s assets are financed by its creditors. In the industry as a whole, a higher debt ratio is an indication of higher financial risk because debt is often perceived as riskier method of financing. Thus, when market value is used, ARC has the chance of showing a better credit standing.The disparity is small but not insignificant. It shou ld be noted that investors often look at the credit exposure of the company by looking at the debt ratio. A small percentage can spell a huge difference when investors are making their choice. The debt to equity ratio on the other hand shows the proportion of creditors share to equity holders in the company’s resources. Accordingly, â€Å"A high debt/equity ratio generally means that a company has been aggressive in financing its growth with debt which can result in volatile earnings as a result of the additional interest expense† (Debt to Equity Ratio 2007).Using the balance sheet data, ARC’s debt to equity ratio is 2. 16 while market shows a lower 1. 98. Both of this data shows that ARC’s debt is much greater than its equity account. For the balance sheet data, every dollar in ARC’s equity is matched by a corresponding $2. 16 in total debt. On the other hand, market value data shows that every dollar of equity only has a corresponding 1. 98 debt. In general, the computed ratios show the high exposure of the company to financial risk.It should be noted that debt entails the payment of interest at regular intervals and face value (Keown et al 2005). References â€Å"Debt Ratio,† 2007, Investopedia. com. Retrieved 06 December 2007, from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/d/debtratio. asp â€Å"Debt to Equity Ratio,† 2007, Investopedia. com. Retrieved 06 December 2007, from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/d/debtequityratio. asp Keown, A. J. , Martin, J. D. , Petty, J. W. , and Scott Jr. , D. F, 2005, Financial Management principles and applications, Pearson/Prentice Hall International Edition, 10th Edition.

Friday, November 8, 2019

8 Skills You’ll Need for Your Future Retail Career

8 Skills You’ll Need for Your Future Retail Career Depending on your preferred side of the optimism/pessimism street, the future is either something to worry about, or something to anticipate eagerly. What is true either way is that we don’t really know what will be coming along. However, we do know a few things: there will still be a need for highly qualified retail professionals, and there are skills we can build now to help be prepared for whatever the future retail world looks like. 1. Tech SavvyIf you have a Prime account or have developed a first-name-basis relationship with your package delivery guy or gal because you have so many things shipped right to your door, you probably already know that the retail revolution will only become more digital. If you’re working on future-proofing your retail career, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to get caught up (and keep up) with the tech trends.This doesn’t mean that brick-and-mortar stores will cease to exist in your career lifetime, or that we s hould all just apply for jobs at Amazon and be done with it. Rather, start paying attention to how people are shopping. What devices are they using? What are the conveniences of shopping via tech vs. shopping in person? How can the in-person shopping experience be made better or easier by using technology? Whether you’re a corporate employee, a customer service rep, or a retail associate, being familiar with technology (and its benefits) will make you better able to do your job, because you’ll be equipped to deal with whatever impact apps, online storefronts, or other tech advances have on the retail world.2. Social Media SmartsSocial media has become the go-to place for retail brand ambassadors. It’s a way to advocate for your store, product, service, or brand, and to directly reach customers. No matter what your role in retail, being well-versed in social media can help you reach more people to build your brand, or- at the very least- collect vast amounts of i nformation on your target customer base.3. Knowledge of Logistics and OperationsThe big push has been to deliver goods and services fast- as close to immediate as logistically possible. That trend is likely to keep continuing in the future, so the logistics end of retail is going to be a major growth area. Strong organizational skills, as well as a passion for getting things from Point A to Point B quickly, cost-effectively, and safely will create an incredibly valuable skill set to bring to your career.And if you’ve got a brilliant plan for making drone deliveries work, well, your future in the retail world is probably very bright indeed.4. A Focus on DataThe future is, unquestionably, grounded in data. We generate data about ourselves and our preferences when we shop, when we browse, when we interact with anything online. But all of that data not only has to go somewhere, it has to be analyzed and turned into ideas that can actually be turned into better customer service, o r an improved bottom line for the store.And â€Å"data† can seem like a daunting, faceless skill that might not have a direct impact on your own career, but it actually creates lots of different opportunities for people in the field. It increases the demand for Information Technology professionals in retail who can capture and present the data, as well as analysts who can turn it into goals and processes for a company, and also managers, associates, and customer service professionals who can take all of that upstream information and use it on direct sales and customer experience.You also don’t need an advanced degree in IT or engineering to bump up your data analytics skills. You can use free online analytics tools (like Google Analytics) to start building a base of knowledge about how people interact with information, what kind of information you can get about people, and how that might affect business decisions. There are also free online courses you can take to star t building your data analysis skills.5. A Knack for Customer ServiceGreat customer service skills never go out of style, and they will continue to be crucial in future retail. This goes hand-in-hand with the social media savvy we talked about before, because so much of the customer/consumer experience is rooted in digital platforms: looking for product information, needing help troubleshooting, and giving feedback.The trick for the future of customer service will be adapting those traditional customer service skills to a digital environment, one where you may never face or talk to the customer. There are also additional layers of accountability for the customer service rep in the future, as customers have more and more avenues to talk about their experience with a company. (I’m sure we’ve all cringed at some of the viral stories about customers who have been stonewalled, insulted, or worse by bad customer service, made instantly public via social media.) The future of customer service will be balancing the company’s bottom-line needs with the realities of working with customers.6. Knowledge of Behavioral FinanceFinance and financial theory are skills and knowledge that have always been essential in retail, and always will be. However, â€Å"behavioral finance† is a relatively new concept. It combines economics with psychology to help guide and understand financial decision-making. Understanding why people make the financial decisions they do (like, say, purchasing one product and not another) is, like data analytics, a skill that will become very valuable in the retail world.7. Design and Merchandising TalentConsumers have come to expect a certain level of design sophistication from retailers, and that trend is not likely to reverse any time soon. Stores and companies are also increasingly focused on behind-the-scenes design and merchandising strategies, meant to steer the customer toward purchases without him or her even realizing it. Professionals with an understanding of how design engages customers, and how to maximize that, will bring a very useful skill set to a retail career.8. FlexibilityAnd don’t forget a basic personal skill that will come in very handy in the world of future retail: adaptability. This is an important skill to have no matter which industry you’ve chosen to build your career- after all, very few companies are interested in someone who says, â€Å"this is how things are done now, and that’s just how it should be forever.† But flexibility is an especially crucial skill for retail. Look at how things have changed in the past 10 or 15 years for retail, as behemoth companies like Amazon and Walmart have shaped how and where we shop. And as technology upgrades and people’s needs change and evolve, there is no reason to think that the current status quo will hold for the future. An openness to change, to innovate, or to say â€Å"we can do this better,â₠¬  is an outlook that will help you survive and thrive as a retail professional in any environment.Retail, like all industries, will continue to evolve- and if you start working on skills now that will make you a smarter and more adaptable professional later, you’re setting yourself up for an even more successful career.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Make Your Own Flash Paper (Nitrocellulose)

Make Your Own Flash Paper (Nitrocellulose) If youre a chemistry enthusiast with an interest in fire or history (or both), you probably ought to know how to make your own nitrocellulose. Nitrocellulose is also known as guncotton or flashpaper, depending on its intended purpose. Magicians and illusionists use flash paper for a fire special effect. The exact same material is called guncotton and may be used as a propellant for firearms and rockets. Nitrocellulose was used as a film base for movies and x-rays. It may be mixed with acetone to make nitrocellulose lacquer, which was used on automobiles, aircraft, and musical instruments. One unsuccessful use of nitrocellulose was to make faux ivory billiard balls. The camphored nitrocellulose (celluloid) balls would sometimes explode upon impact, producing a sound much like that of a gunshot. As you might imagine, this didnt go over well in gunslinger saloons with pool tables. Its unlikely you will want to make your own exploding billiard balls, but you might want to try nitrocellulose as a model rocket propellant, as flash paper, or as a lacquer base. Nitrocellulose is extremely easy to make, but be sure to read through the instructions carefully before proceeding. As far as safety goes: Any protocol which involves strong acids should be performed by qualified persons wearing proper safety gear. Nitrocellulose cannot be stored for long periods of time, as it gradually decomposes into a flammable powder or goo (which is why many old films have not survived to the present day). Nitrocellulose has a low autoignition temperature, so keep it away from heat or flame (until you are ready to activate it). It does not require oxygen to burn, so once it ignites you cannot put out the fire with water. With all that in mind, heres how you make it. Key Takeaways: Make Nitrocellulose or Flash Paper Nitrocellulose is a highly flammable polymer. It is also known as flash paper, guncotton, or flash string.All you need to do to make nitrocellulose is treat cellulose with nitric acid or any other strong nitrating agent. The cellulose can come from paper, cotton, wood, or other plant matter.Nitrocellulose was first made by Alexander Parkes in 1862. This was the first man-made plastic, which was named Parkesine.While useful as a plastic, nitrocellulose is equally popular for its flammability. Flash paper burns almost instantaneously and leaves no ash residue. Nitrocellulose Materials Christian Friedrich Schà ¶nbeins procedure has been widely used. It calls for 1 part cotton to 15 parts acid. concentrated nitric acidconcentrated sulfuric acidcotton balls (almost pure cellulose) Nitrocellulose Preparation Chill the acids below 0 °C.In a fume hood, mix equal parts nitric and sulfuric acid in a beaker.Drop cotton balls into the acid. You can tamp them down using a glass stirring rod. Dont use metal.Allow the nitration reaction to proceed for about 15 minutes (Schà ¶nbeins time was 2 minutes), then run cold tap water into the beaker to dilute the acid. Allow the water to run for a while.Turn off the water and add a bit of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to the beaker. The sodium bicarbonate will bubble as it neutralizes the acid.Using a glass rod or gloved finger, swirl around the cotton and add more sodium bicarbonate. You can rinse with more water. Continue adding sodium bicarbonate and washing the nitrated cotton until bubbling is no longer observed. Careful removal of the acid will greatly enhance the stability of the nitrocellulose.Rinse the nitrated cellulose with tap water and allow it to dry in a cool location. Shreds of nitrocellulose will burst into flame if exposed to the heat of a burner or a match. It doesnt take much (either heat or nitrocellulose), so dont get carried away! If you want actual flash paper, you can nitrate ordinary paper (which is primarily cellulose) in the same manner as cotton. Chemistry of Making Nitrocellulose Nitrating cellulose proceeds as nitric acid and cellulose react to produce cellulose nitrate and water. 3HNO3 C6H10O5 → C6H7(NO2)3O5 3H2O Sulfuric acid is not required to nitrate the cellulose, but it acts as a catalyst to produce the nitronium ion, NO2. The first order reaction proceeds via electrophilic substitution at the C-OH centers of the cellulose molecules.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Research Proposal on the Influence of Gender and Age on Cyber Bulling

On the Influence of Gender and Age on Cyber Bulling - Research Proposal Example However, with the advancements in information technology have arisen insecurity issues. Insecurity issues have in turn sparked far reaching implications to the users. In particularly, insecurity issues in information technology have been closely associated with internet usability. This comes when the usefulness of internet cannot be presently overemphasized. It is for this reason that information technology and security issues become critical. Important, though, have been the concerns on how to address these forms of insecurity. Background of the Problem The aspect on information technology that is paramount to this discussion is cyber bullying and how whether or not it is affected by age or gender. According to Hopeline (2011), cyber bullying has emerged to be the newest platform on which the youths are increasingly abusing each other. The more concerning issue is that there are currently no appropriate techniques that intervene for cyber bullying despite large numbers of kids who a ccess the information technologies. Internet and cell phone communications have been cited as tools for Cyber bullying. According to Hopline, what appalls even more is that Cyber bullying occurs during kids’ class time. Hopline cites that cyber bullying has far reaching implications on kids, so that the victims (kids) of cyber bullying only feel safe when in their bedrooms. This clearly shows that it does not under all circumstances hold that cyber bullying causes physical harm. However, cyber bullying is mostly associated with causation of harmful emotional fallout which may cumulate to other far reaching consequences. It is factual that kids are major victims of cyber bullying. It is also true that cyber... This essay says that the researcher has set out research questions in an attempt to identifying specific considerations to make in order to achieve the purposes outlined above. The research questions are said to have very close relation with the purpose of the study in the sense that the research questions are going to be tackled during research work. Successful completion of this research work will come with a lot of significance to a lot of people, especially primary and secondary students. This report shall be conventional to the guidelines of the Ethics of a University. Before starting the process of handling the questionnaires to the children, letters shall be sent to parents and to head-teachers, describing the nature of the study. These letters will serve the purpose of informing them about the content of the questionnaire. The main aim additionally, shall be to confirm about the confidentiality of the study. In this respect, parents shall sign the parental consent forms as an approval for their children to participate in the study. In this regard, they shall have one week deadline to send them back to the researcher. It shall also be required that teachers and head-teachers approve the study. This, therefore, necessitated that this researcher inform them about the study, the collection of data, and the process to be followed and about the privacy of the questionnaires. It is also worth noting that teachers will be informed that they will be present during the proc ess of the survey and if they have any objection that need be discussed with the researcher.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Contract law assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Contract law assignment - Essay Example On most occasions, this clause tends to be unfair, partial and one-sided as the weaker party in the agreement could not lay claim to damages or extra-contractual compensations when the Contract is somehow broken. There are some legal cases that tend to demonstrate how the weaker parties, in recent years, have at least tried to see that such exclusion clauses are incorporated into the contracts: this report would investigate how such a clause may be included in a typical Irish legal case that involved disagreement over the commercial contract. A legal case study is used to better explain how this phenomenon works out: Analog Devices BV & ors v Zurich Insurance Company & anor. This case study is necessary in order to highlight the seriousness of exclusion clauses in contractual agreements. Which of the parties would feel cheated or be left to bear the huge losses? What is the nature and scope of the clause being excluded? Does it contain an element of insurance coverage or health benefits scheme or pension system? The legal case of Analog Devices BV & ors v Zurich Insurance Company & anor2, decided upon at the Irish Supreme Court, is a typical case to prove how exclusion clause could result in a monumental loss for one of the parties involved. This is factual background to this case as presented by Baillii3: Analog Devices BV & ors had had engaged in the commercial activities of manufacturing, researching and designing of high performance linear mix signal and digital integrated circuits that are used for several signal processing applications. These activities were carried out at Raheen Industrial Estate in County Limerick. It is a known fact that twice a year the usual manufacturing operation is shut down in order to allow the maintenance team to work on the manufacturing plants. These annual maintenance arrangements often occur in the summer